So, we said, no, we didn't want to wait. Please find us a referral for a little girl who was available now. Nope, no little girls available. Then, to our amazement, we opened our email one day and found a picture of a cute little girl wearing a pink bow.

Early June rolled around with lots of troubles. Our agency's accreditation had expired in January, but they had been able to proceed on Letters of Good Standing. In early June, the Powers-That-Be deemed Letters of Good Standing to be insufficient. When our trip was canceled, we were disappointed, but not surprised. We rescheduled for early July, thinking that all would be cleared up by then.
Well it took much longer. The July trip didn't happen, and nothing happened in August or September or October. We lived in limbo for months. The door wasn't open or closed, but just a bit ajar. Open enough that we could stick our noses in and then get the door slammed on them. In November we pined our hopes on meeting that was supposed to either shut the door or open it wide. Nope. Nothing. More limbo.
. . . we didn't quite click . . .
So, we were going to China.
On February 22 of 2006, our Russian agency received the permissions it needed (aka accreditation) to proceed. We're going to Russia. We needed our homestudy updated. While our dear social worker was visiting for the update, I shared with her my reservations about Little Pink Bow Girl. I didn't have anything specific, but that she just didn't feel right. This was awful for me as I usually use logic and reasoning to make big decisions, not gut feelings. Our social worker asked me, if it were The Gift's gut feeling, what would I do. Well I would listen to it of course. She gave me permission to listen to my own.
Then she shared that in the decades of adoption social work she had assisted with a few disruptions and in every case, one or both of the parents admitted that they had had reservations about that child all along but didn't speak up. Well that clinched it for me. I couldn't do that to Little Pink Bow Girl.
We inquired about the little girl that our agency had originally advocated to us, the one that involved the long wait (oh the irony). No go. And then a bit later, "maybe".
So, we traveled. We met Dandy. We met a Chickadee only because she happened to be in the same group as Dandy. I just finished my A Year Ago Today series for Trip One, so you can read all about that over there.
We brought the children home last fall. They are affectionate with one another and share a common well of memories. Dandy remembers Chickadee's first nights at the orphanage. They talk about their friends together. Bringing them into a family together was perfect for them. But I often wondered and felt sad for Little Pink Bow Girl.
They got her referral info in 2006, a year later than what we had, so I got to share those earlier pics and videos with them. So many times I had almost deleted the files, as they tugged at my heartstrings, but I held back, just in case.
Little Pink Bow Girl's mom and I are blogging about this as an encouragement to any other family that feels the need to decline a referral for nebulous reasons.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28 KJV
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