Mrs. Browish Beetle
When it was October
and a hard frost came,
Mrs. Brownish Beetle
(I don't know her other name)
said: "Dear me, it's chilly."
said: "My coat is thin,"
said: "Land sakes, I'd better find
a place to cuddle in."
So Mrs. Brownish Beetle,
after several tries,
found a hole beneath a stone
that was a beetles' size,
and said: "Oh my, how lucky,"
said: "How very nice,"
said: "I'll snuggle down away
from wind and snow and ice.
"I'll set my clock at April,"
Mrs. Beetle said,
"I'll wind it up and put it here
beside my little bed."
So Mrs. Brownish Beetle
(I don't know her other name)
nestled down and went to sleep
and slept till April came.
~Aileen Fisher
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:: this post is part of the Friday Poetry roundup hosted by AmoXcalli.
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