Quote of the Day


stocking stuffer ideas

A couple of years ago My Gift and I jotted down some ideas for stocking stuffers because we always got our best ideas after the holidays. Here is our set of ideas for adults and young adults:
:: bath poofs
:: toy mice for humans owned by cats
:: chewies and tennis balls for humans owned by dogs
:: postage stamps for anyone off at college
:: good cheeses
:: nuts
:: Christmas ornaments for young adults
:: pocket flashlights for the cars
:: chapsticks
:: winter-weight Atlas garden gloves
:: tulip or daffodil bulbs
:: long matches
:: smoked oysters
:: woolie socks
:: Starbuck's cards
:: Trader Joe's cards
:: dala horses

And if you know anyone who gets a dala horse in their stocking and doesn't want it, just let me know, I'd be more than happy to take in another one.

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