The KitchenAid mashed potatoes recipe was requested for Christmas dinner at my Mom's. Chickadee begged to help, so I set her up with a safe peeler and a pile of potatoes. Alas, she switched to an unsafe peeler and sliced off most of her fingernail and quite of bit of the finger underneath it. I don't mean the end of her nail, I mean the top.
So, of course a great deal of screaming and blood-spurting and chaos ensued. I scooped her up the wrong way -- the not-safe-for people with arthritic hands way -- and of course my thumb gave way. Clunk. There it was, dangling askew. What could I do but shove it back into place and carry on? I had a injured sweetie-pie to tend to.
We finally got the bleeding stopped and were done screaming and flailing about and were merely whimpering and cowering in the easy chair when Papa got home. He took charge, applying bandages and generally soothing us all. Then I noticed it.
My thumb hurts!!
That was a few days before Christmas and you know what? Her finger is all healed, and my thumb still hurts. Ah the joys . . .

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