My niece is staying in a Maasai village. The Maasai are a fascinating nomadic culture. Here are a few tidbits:
The Maasai are polygamous by necessity: a long standing and practical adaptation to high infant and warrior mortality rates. Polyandry is also practiced. A woman marries not just her husband, but the entire age group. Men are expected to give up their bed to a visiting age-mate guest. The woman decides strictly on her own if she will join the visiting male. Any child which may result is the husband's child and his descendant in the patrilineal order of Maasai society. ~ Wikipedia
A high infant mortality rate among the Maasai has led to babies not truly being recognized until they reach an age of 3 moons. The end of life is virtually without ceremony, and the dead are left out for scavengers. ~ Wikipedia
If you've read any good fiction set in Tanzania, do let me know. I prefer to take both my history and geography swaddled in a good story.

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