Quote of the Day


Greetings from Seoul

Here we are, nine time zones and two airports later, enjoying our 5 hr layover in Seoul: free internet, and in a few minutes the showers open.

Our flight to Seoul was lovely, as much as an 11 hour flight can be. The plane was only about half full, so -- even though we had exit row seats -- we were persuaded by the stewardesses to move to empty center rows where we could stretch out. I think we each got about 5 or 6 hours of sleep.

Later today we will fly to Khabarovsk, check in, walk to dinner, and then to bed. We have tomorrow free I believe, and will visit the orphanage on Monday.

Lisa and Derik have been coaching us on pronunciation: Har Bar arsk is the preferred way.

Much too sleepy to be amusing. More later,


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