Quote of the Day


works for me: 5 podcasts on Christianity & Modern Life

In keeping with my podcast list series, here are 5 Christianity and Modern Living podcasts that work for me.

Christianity & Modern Life

1. Alistair Begg

2. Alistair Begg's Truth
for Life
Bible Teachings

3. John Eldridge ~ of Wild at Heart fame

4. The Kindlings Muse - a conversation about American culture from a God-seeking perspective

5. Pray As You Go ~ daily scripture and devotionals prepared by British Jesuits.


My other Works for Me posts.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the podcast links...I never thought to look for John Eldredge - I have the better part of a notebook filled with lines from Wild at Heart and Journey of Desire.

I'll have a listen to the others also.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I ran off and found non-ITunes versions that I could use (I run Ubuntu Linux) and of course I forgot to leave your link open and couldn't remember where I found it. Der.