The Summer Goals Meme will consist of 10-15 professional and or personal goals that you would like to achieve over the summer.
1. learn to make cheese
2. take children strawberry and blueberry picking
3. go swimming very often
4. eat lots of home-grown heirloom tomatoes
5. have my fall Research Writing class fully prepped by the end of June
6. make progress on manuscript
7. make lots of jam
8. weed south flower garden at least once
9. stay home a lot
10. get children to at least one week of VBS
11. declutter upstairs
12. procure firewood for winter
13. continue with making own bread and yogurt
14. slog through the ToDo table (returns, etc.)
15. go to Darrington Bluegrass festival
Kim at Hiraeth
Susan at Chicken Spagetti
Cloudscome at a wrung sponge
Rhonda at Worth the Wait
Esther at Crowned with Laurel
Tricia at Room to Grow
Debbie at Family Reunion

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