Quote of the Day


Widget Love

You know I love widgets. Here is my latest find, a widget that renders my blog into a word cloud. JUST what I needed!

Spent a good part of my day buying clothes for the kiddos. We were really good and didn't start doing this until after trip one. We got them all set up with a fine summer wardrobe and guess what happened yesterday? Autumn dropped by for a sneak preview. I realized I had NO long-sleeve tops for them, only one raincoat between the two of them, and no sweaters or sweatshirts at all. Three hours, one pedicure, and many bags later, I have rectified this. They each now have a water-repellent layer, a warm layer, and several "under" layers.

I'm reading two blogs of families that have just in the last few days reunited with their children: John and Isabel and Doug and Stacy. I start tearing up even as I click to load their blogs. I'm also keeping a close eye on Dan and Kay as they embark on trip one and a very close email watch on two other families with our agency (non-bloggers) as they also leave tomorrow for trip two. We will overlap with these two families at the end of their trip and the beginning of ours. So soon! and not soon enough.

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