Quote of the Day


works for me: 9 literary podcasts

In keeping with my podcast list series, here are 9 literary podcasts that work for me.

1. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
2.Bronte's Jane Eyre, lots of Doyle's Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and more
3.Classic Poetry Aloud ~ he even takes requests!
4. Classic Tales ~ includes a Jack London and a G. K. Chesterton
5. Jane Austin: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion
6. Poem of the Day ~ from the Poetry Foundation
7. Poem of the Day ~ with ads, alas
8.Pride and Prejudice ~ 60 segments for your listening pleasure
9. Summaries of The Scarlet Letter, Frankenstein, Robinson Crusoe, Pride & Prejudice ~ each in less than 30 minutes


My other Works for Me posts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful idea - thank you so much for sharing these links!